So They’re Not Left Untold

Here's your parents' logic:

If you wanted to know their stories, you'd ask. You're not asking, so you must not be interested.

This is really what they're thinking.

But you are interested!

A 2005 study (by Allianz Life Insurance) surveyed 2,627 baby boomers and elders. For both groups, the non-financial pieces of their parents' legacy was 10 more important than finances and possessions.

Here's the rub: 68% of the elders said that it's not their job to initiate the conversation with their adult children. 

What we can agree on is this --

The strories, values, lessons learned -- all of that is more important, in terms of legacy, than the money and the stuff. 

We want our children and grandchildren to feel connected to our parents and grandparents -- to family. These stories do just that.

But guess what? Your parents won't share their stories unless they're asked. SO PLEASE ASK!

This takes time and bandwidth that you may not have. Don't beat yourself up. When you're ready to capture these stories, reach out to me so that the stories aren't left untold.


Meeting the One


Much More to Her Son