Stories & Articles

Aviva Black Aviva Black

More than Just a Dress

My mom and I finally tackled her closet, and it has been a blast! For years, she teased me about helping her organize it, but never wanted to move a single thing out.

This time was different. I did just what professional organizer Shira Gill instructs: I put whole sections on the bed, starting with all the dresses and skirts. My mother graciously tried on each and every piece.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

More Than Just a Card

It's true that most often I work with elder family members. I get that. It's hard to think about crafting your own ‘legacy letter’ when you don't have your parent's stories recorded.

But for Cesar, it was a no-brainer. He wasn't interested in getting all of his family stories down. For his daughter's 10th birthday, he was laser focused on giving her most meaningful letter ever.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Summer Snapshot

Can you recall a summer snapshot from your childhood?

My clients easily do.

Carolyn reminisced about Florida beach days with friends, inner tubes, and transistor radios. “We spent all day floating and listening to the Evelery Brothers, The Platters, Johnny Mathis and, of course, Elvis.”

My friends and I had similar times down the shore in LBI…

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

The Village

What can you tell me about Grandpa’s childhood?

You can learn a lot about your elder family members - alive or deceased - by asking asking just that one open-ended question.

Here’s what my client, Kay, had to say about her dad’s childhood:

“My dad was the youngest of five children with four older sisters. He was just four years old when his father was killed in an accident while crossing the railroad tracks on horseback…..”

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Teen Self

What were you like as a teen? And what adjectives would others use to describe your teen self?

When I ask clients to describe what kind of kid they were, some of the men are hesitant and say, “Oh well, we don’t need to talk about that in the letter.”

But who we were is part of who we are, even the mischievous parts.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

The Upside of Mistakes

Wally was 90 when we worked together on his Family Love Letter. He wasn’t ashamed to say that as a decision maker, he had made a fair number of mistakes over the years.

“Somebody told me at the very beginning, you can't always be right. So when you make a mistake, don't try to hide it. Consequently, whenever I made a mistake, I immediately called the people who I reported to so they would hear about it from me, not from somebody else.”

Wally made himself vulnerable and showed his confidence.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Family Riches

When you were growing up, what was your family’s financial situation?

Many of my clients were born during the Depression. They were poor. But some had a way of making themselves feel rich.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Lights Him Up

What lights you up?

Steve didn't hesitate. "Singing brings me joy. There's a song inside me, and I love letting it come out." That reply came with a sparkle in his eye. But if your family member doesn't know how to answer, try:

What brings you joy?

Steve responded this way, "I love food and try new foods no matter what they are. It doesn't have to be a fancy restaurant (though I don’t mind that), just good."

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Neighborhood Stroll

What was the neighborhood like where you grew up?

"We lived in a nice neighborhood on the Ohio River in Ashland, Kentucky. Most of the houses were one level with yards that were well taken care of. They weren’t fancy, but they were nice." ~ Sandra, Client

I can picture this. Go on.

"In our neighborhood, we even had two white families that lived there, which was different from the way things were back then, during the time of segregation."

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Just Like Her

Next time you're with your parent, aunt or uncle or older cousin, ask this one question: Who do I take after in our family?

Maybe there's one trait that's similar to someone who came before you. When I asked my mother who my sister resembles, she said, "When Adina worked in a restaurant, she added up the bill in her head. And she did it one, two, three. She was just like Grandma in that way."

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Northern Lights & Raspberries

On your next call with a family member, ask:

What's something that you love to do that you got from your parent?

Patty paused as she placed herself outside with her father many decades ago.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

The Glue that Sticks

This week’s prompt: What('s) kept you two together? 

This is one you can ask your parent, your spouse or even your child. Maybe it refers to a romantic relationship or a deep friendship, a current relationship or one that's in the past.

I asked my client, Jeff, about his 50+ years of marriage and was so moved  by his totally sweet response: "We keep choosing each other."

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Childhood Picture

Whether it's at the dinner table or over the phone, one question is all you need. This week’s prompt to help you build connection: What stands out about your childhood?

Here's how my client, David, responded to this question:

"I consider myself to have been quite fortunate to grow up where and when I did. The 50’s....

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

The Beauty of Being Neutral

My mother and I cover a lot of ground, but some things are off limits.

Like I can say something funny or sweet about my father, but nothing heavy that will make her cry. And when she starts a conversation with, "I'm worried that...." I immediately try to change course because trust me, there's nothing that will alleviate my mother's fierce worry.

During Covid, I worked with her on her letter. We had a bunch of long phone calls and she had a blast  recounting wonderful memories. 

But guess what? I avoided certain topics. I could have used a neutral party.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

She’s On It

When it comes to family and friends, Bev puts the E in Effort. She doesn't wait for the phone to ring or for an invitation to arrive. She doesn't expect people to come to her.

Her granddaughter's second birthday? Bev's in the car, heading north. Her own 80th birthday? She's planning the family trip to Bermuda. 

Bev makes things happen.  So why couldn’t she get going on her letter?

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Not a Minute to Waste

Ann was starting to slip.  Her doctor had her take a behind-the-wheel driving test and, sure enough, they took her license. Her kids said, and she agreed, that she needed more help at home.

She had only just been diagnosed with dementia, but she already couldn't call up words. It was like they were in a locked chest. She and her kids knew that, in time, her memories would disappear.

Her daughter, Sara, called me saying there was no time to waste.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

It’s NOT Therapy

I think it's safe to say that most of our parents are not in therapy. And it's probably also safe to say that they don't sit around recounting deep held memories and emotions with their friends, things like:

If you're one of the lucky ones, you have your person - the one you open your soul to. But let's face it, many of our parents are private and would never go there.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Write that Card Anyway

That first Father's Day after his death, I was pissed. Really bratty.

I couldn't celebrate my father-in-law that year. It was just too in my face that my own father wasn't around.

For several years after that - probably because I needed it -- I facilitated a workshop called, "Writing a Father's Day Card to the Father that's No Longer Living." It was popular and even brought in people whose fathers weren't necessarily deceased, but weren't in their lives. Read on for prompts.

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Numbers Game

"Are you comfortable telling us your age?"

That's how Julia Louise-Dreyfus starts each episode of her podcast, "Wiser than Me".

Gasp. I don't know about you, but I was taught that that is a very rude question. But why?

My mother's response to the age question had always been a wink and twenty-nine. That was until I was 20. Then she was 39.

"Hold old do you feel?"

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Aviva Black Aviva Black

Speaking of Willie Mays

"Speaking of Willie Mays, I have a photo of him and me from my 1988 trip to SF Giants Fantasy Camp – both of us in our Giants uniforms. If you had told me when I was 9 or 10 that someday I would be in such a photo, I would have cried just from the thought of it."

For David, this photo is proof of a dream come true.

At 91 and the self-professed 'last one standing' Adele says, "I look at these photos on the walls and think…

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