A Before Gift

Sam is a dapper man. He's got an eye for style and is known for his stunning cufflinks. They're his trademark and he's amassed quite a collection.

Let's Reimagine refers to After Giving as the "practice of creating something while you are alive meant to be given to people after you die. It can be objects, maps of your favorite things, or your stories."

Most of us aren't like Sam, with a trademark collection. But all of us can create something to share with the people closest to us.

But why wait til after?

Sam didn't wait. When he turned 75, every time his children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews came over, he had them pick out a set of cufflinks. Cool, right?

My clients are a lot like Sam. Ninety-five percent are excited to share their Family Love Letters with their loved ones right away. Just as Sam shared where and when he picked up the chosen set of cufflinks and what it's meant to him, Family Love Letters clients want to talk about the stories and people in those stories.

No question, family members greatly appreciate After Gifts. But in my work, I see the value -- the joy --- in creating and giving something now, while we're still very much alive. 

Do you or your loved one need help in creating a Before Gift? If you want to create an enduing letter filled with stories to share with the family, please reach out! I'd love to help.


Timing is Everything


Chosen Sisters