Say (exactly) What You Like

"I wonder what my boys would say about me."

Laura, an 81 year old client, had just finished gushing over her sons, thoughtfully describing what she admires about the people they've become.

Laura knows that her sons love her. They're not shy about saying "I love you." But she has no idea what exactly about her they appreciate and even admire.

Even Jane Goodall, at 88, is surprised - and probably delighted - by the praise people give her. Last week, after being introduced at the Oakland Zoo, she said, "My goodness. I just wonder who's meant to be standing here, because having heard all of those attributes given to someone, am I really all of those things?"

Back when I was writing my yoga bio, someone suggested I ask students to write down what they like about my class. When I went through the basket of notes, I was stunned. Like Jane Goodall, I thought they must be describing someone else. And you know what, while it was a little embarrassing to read these compliments, I have to felt really good.

Here's a tip: let your loved ones know not only how you feel about them, but what specifically you love about them. Start with one trait that you love? Where does that quality show up?

Birthdays are an excellent opportunity to express your love, appreciation and admiration. But you don't have to wait.

Send a card today. Sparks will fly!


Photos Trigger Memories


Meaningful Minimalism