Make it Sweeter

"May we bring into this world,
A bit more truth, a bit more justice,
A bit more love
Than there would have been,
Had we not loved the world enough
To quarrel with it - 
Out of a vision of what ought to be."

My father wrote this Prayer for the New Year in the late 60s. He always chose his words carefully, observing and listening first and only then would he respond. And when he spoke, he did it in a way that could be heard. Rare bird.

I think he chose the phrase 'a bit' for two reasons. First, no one person can do the whole job. The potency is in the collective. Second, it takes time to forge real change. Well, our work is not done. Here's to a sweet New Year -- one that prompts each of us to bring humanity a bit closer to truth, justice, peace and love.


You Are Forgiven


You Said It!