I Needed That

It was the basket. Five minutes before the start of services, my doorbell rang and there before me was a beautiful, bountiful basket. I was moved to tears. 

A teacher of mine has been talking about the imperative to create a ‘culture of connection’. At first, I thought “I do that.” But, at the same time, it’s just so hard to avoid being consumed by negativity, even when I know it triggers my migraines. It was time to stop feeding my echo chamber and choose positive action in its place, in gestures big and mostly small. 

Over the holidays, there were so many touching gifts: homemade rugelach, meaningful services, hearing a neighbor’s shofar from my deck, thinking about my father. And on a daily basis, I’m so fortunate that Familial gives me a place to make genuine connections with my clients and to witness their outpouring of love. We’re trying to reach each other in a myriad of sweet ways. I heard my teacher talk about it, but it was the basket that made the imperative of connection sink in. As a libra, the way I see it is that I have to even more every day to tip the scales from division to connection. I’m up for it.  When I slip, feel free to remind me, preferably with a piece of chocolate.


I Can Still See You


Aha Moment